Blog: The Superman Workout

Blog: The Superman Workout

Will Henry Cavill ever appear in another Superman film? Right now, that’s a bit of a mystery. But how he changed his body to become the iconic superhero is not.

Now, we have to preface sharing this workout with an important fact: Everyone is different and genetics play a huge role.

How to Train Like a Superhero

You could do literally every single thing Cavill did, consume the exact same meals on the exact same schedule, and follow his workout to the letter. It doesn’t mean you would look exactly like him.

Looking to build a superhero physique? We have your back (sometimes literally — to make sure you’re not hurting your back!).

But trust us, it’s important to at least meet with one of our trainers before attempting such a feat. And with that said, here is Henry Cavill’s Superman workout.

  • Hang clean and jerk: Work up to one heavy rep.

And then, in sequence and flowing from one to the other:

  • Clean pull: Four sets of one rep.
  • Power clean: Four sets of one rep.
  • Front squat: Four sets of one rep.
  • Push press: Four sets of one rep.
  • Split jerk: Four sets of one rep.
  • Front squat: Work up to your one-rep max

Once again, in sequence and flowing from one to the other:

  • Front squat: Three sets of seven reps.
  • Back squat: Three sets of 13 reps.

“Wait,” you say. “I don’t know what a ‘clean pull’ is or a ‘split jerk.’ How is this helpful to me?”

Learn How to Get a Superhero Physique 

Well, that’s why we once again want you to meet with one of our trainers. We want to be sure you have full knowledge of what these moves look like and how they are performed safely and properly.

And one more time, talk to one of our trainers, for your own safety, before beginning any training regime.

Then once you do, and everything is understood properly, well . . .  up, up, and away! 


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